Learning Resources — Organizational Change

Affirmative Services for Transgender and Gender Diverse People – Best Practices for Frontline Health Care Staff

This publication provides best practices and guidance for frontline healthcare staff on how to best serve transgender and gender diverse patients. Topics covered include gender affirming language, asking about sexual orientation and gender identity data, asking for name and pronouns used, and more. The publication features a quick-reference sheet that can be removed and posted in a workspace.

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Recruiting, Training, and Retaining LGBTQ-Proficient Clinical Providers: A Workforce Development Toolkit

As lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people increasingly access care at health centers, the clinical workforce needs to be prepared to meet the unique health needs of LGBTQ patients. Finding LGBTQ-proficient providers, however, can present a challenge, especially outside major metropolitan areas.

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Promoting Health Equity for LGBTQ New Yorkers

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis discusses the difference between equality and equity in health systems, and the importance of health equity for the LGBTQ community. Dr. Daskalakis describes how sexual orientation and gender identity are social determinants of health for people who hold those identities, and provides a framework for thinking about how these determinants can be counteracted in the clinic setting.

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Creating a Community Advisory Board

Sophia Geffen discusses the creation, management, and function of a Community Advisory Board in understanding the needs of a particular group seeking services at a community health center. In this webinar, Geffen focuses on how the LGBTQIA+ community must be included in strategy and decision making processes for community health centers to be able to appropriately serve this population. Geffen provides guidance on how to solicit participation for a Community Advisory Board, and what to look for in a CAB that is well populated and able to effectively engage with a community health center.

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Creating a Transgender Health Program at Your Health Center

In this guide, we provide a framework for building a health program for transgender and gender diverse patients at your health center. There is no "one size fits all" approach to this work, but there are certain building blocks from which to create your own program that supports the gender diverse people in your community.

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Fact Sheet: Transgender Health and Medical-Legal Partnerships

This fact sheet describes common social and legal needs that affect the health of transgender individuals, and ways integrated legal services can help meet those needs. It examines medical-legal partnership programs at three health care organizations and how they operate, and it shares stories of people benefiting from medical-legal partnership services.

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LGBT Health Readiness Assessments in Health Centers: Key Findings

The National LGBT Health Education Center started conducting direct training and technical assistance with Federally Qualified Health Centers in 2014. This service was made possible by the expansion of our National Cooperative Agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration to include technical assistance work. Since 2014, seventeen health centers in six states (Connecticut, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, and Texas) have participated in the assessment process.

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Focus on Forms and Policy: Creating an Inclusive Environment for LGBT Patients

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people come from all walks of life and experience many of the same health problems as non-LGBT people. This means that every organizational policy and procedure may impact the experience of LGBT people. To create an LGBT-affirming and inclusive environment, it is important to examine policies and procedures. This publication reviews some common updates to organizational forms and polices to create an affirming and inclusive environment for LGBT patients, and reviews strategies to modify procedures, behavior, and language to be inclusive of all patients.

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Providing Affirmative Care for Patients with Non-binary Gender Identities

All members of a health care organization—front-line staff members, clinicians, and administrators—play a crucial role in offering an inclusive, affirming experience for all people, including those with non-binary gender identities. Everyone, no matter their gender identity or expression, appreciates friendly, courteous, and effective care. In addition, non-binary people, who have gender identities other than male or female, have unique needs when interacting with the health care system. Non-binary people face numerous health disparities as well as stigma, discrimination, and a lack of access to quality care. However, you do not need to specialize in non-binary health care to give your non-binary patients an affirming experience.

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Building Patient-Centered Medical Homes for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients and Families

While expanding access to health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act has been vital to millions of previously uninsured Americans, moving U.S. health care away from fee-for-service, volume-driven payments to payments based on value and outcomes will be a much more challenging transformation. For health centers and other health care providers, one commonly used model for practice transformation is the patient-centered medical home (PCMH). The PCMH model transforms how primary care is coordinated and delivered by emphasizing comprehensive, team-based care that places the patient at the center. When implemented successfully, the PCMH model leads to higher quality care at a lower cost, improving both the patients’ and providers’ experience of care.

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  • Intersex Health
  • Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
  • LGBTQIA+ Children and Youth
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  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
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  • Sexual Minority Women
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