John Davis, PhD, MD
John A. Davis, PhD MD, is the Associate Dean for Curriculum, and is an Associate a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, both at the University of California, San Francisco. He graduated from Harvard College with an AB in Chemistry, and from Boston College with a PhD in Bioinorganic Chemistry. He received his MD from the Yale School of Medicine and completed his training in internal medicine and infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and the combined Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women’s Hospital programs, respectively. His clinical interests include infections of the immunocompromised host (including those living with HIV), sexually transmitted infections, and LGBT health. He has served as the LGBT Issues-Based Representative to the Association of American Medical College’s Group on Diversity and Inclusion, and has served as a consultant for integration of LGBT-related curricular content into medical school curricula. His educational interests are in curriculum development and implementation, particularly as related to sexual and gender minority population issues in academic medicine.